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Clicking the blue bar at the top of page will take you to subjects such as "Finance" or "Management". These are pre-prepared resources that the subject librarian has listed for your help through the library.
One of the most important resources you can use is the Digital Library where you will be offered an A-Z list of databases at:
As a graduate student at the Leicester Business School, you should know about how to use databases such as "Business Source Premier", "Emerald Fulltext " and "JSTOR". Let's say that we are looking for an article on deconstructing theory by Michele Bowring. When we go into Business Source Premier, we will find a number of articles by Bowring including "De/constructing theory" in the Journal of Management Inquiry. Below you will find the subject terms and the abstract.
- Subject Terms:
- SOCIAL sciences -- Philosophy
LOGICAL positivism - Abstract:
- The purpose of this article is to understand and illustrate how the development of theories is influenced in part through dominant paradigms, in part through citation patterns, and in part through the norms of scientific writing. An example that is developed is the use of deconstruction to illustrate how institutional theory, with its interpretive beginnings, has become a structuralist positivist vehicle. This is examined in the context of the flourishing recent debate in the field of organizational studies with regard to the relevance of this field and the consensus, or lack thereof, that exists within it. After developing the deconstructive reading of a classic article in institutional theory, the author discusses the implications for the field of organizational studies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
However, when you actually click on the article in Business Source Premier, the database allows you to use Leicester e-link to find more information. At this point, you can get this article full text. You can also look at the reference sources in the bibliography of the article. It looks like this:
- Agger, B. (1991). Critical theory, poststructuralism, postmodernism: Their sociological relevance. Annual Review of Sociology, 17, 105-132.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. (1967). The social construction of reality. Garden City, NJ: Doubleday Anchor.
- Burrell, G., & Morgan, G. (1979). Sociological paradigms and organisational analysis. London: Heinemann.
- Calás, M. B., & Smircich, L. (1991). Voicing seduction to silence leadership. Organization Studies12(4), 567-602.
- D'Aunno, T., Sutton, R. I., & Price, R. H. (1991). Isomorphism and external support in conflicting institutional environments: A study of drug abuse treatment units. Academy of Management Journal34(3), 636-661.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Medline] [Order article via Infotrieve][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Daft, R., & Lewin, A. (1990). Editorial. Organization Science, 1(1), 1-9.
- Derrida, J. (1976). Of grammatology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Derrida, J. (1988). Limited Inc.Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
- DiMaggio, P. J., & Powell, W. W. (1983). The iron cage revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields. American Sociological Review, 48, 147-160.
- Evered, R., & Louis, M. R. (1981). Alternative perspectives in the organizational sciences: Inquiry from the inside and inquiry from the outside, Academy of Management Review, 6(3), 385-395.[CrossRef][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Gephart, R. P., Jr. (1986). Deconstructing the defense for quantification in social science: A content analysis of journal articles on parametric strategy. Qualitative Sociology, 9(2), 126-144.[CrossRef][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Gioia, D. A., & Pitre, E. (1990). Multiparadigm perspectives on theory building. Academy of Management Review, 15(4), 584-602.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Hamilton, D. P. (1990). Publishing by- and for?-the numbers. Science, 250, 1331-1332.
[Free Full Text] - Hamilton, D. P. (1991). Research papers: Who's uncited now?Science, 251, 25.
[Free Full Text] - Kilduff, M. (1993). Deconstructing organizations. Academy of Management Review, 18(1),13-31.
- Kuhn, T. S. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Lee, A. S. (1991). Integrating positivist and interpretive approaches to organizational research. Organization Science, 2(4), 342-365.
[Abstract/Free Full Text] - Luthans, F., & Davis, T.R.V. (1982). An idiographic approach to organizational behaviour research: The use of single-case experimental designs and direct measures. Academy of Management Review, 7(3), 380-391.[CrossRef][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Martin, J. (1990). Deconstructing organizational taboos: The suppression of gender conflict in organizations. Organization Science, 1(4), 339-359.
- Meyer, J. W., & Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized organizations: Formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83(2), 340-363.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Meyer, J. W., Scott, R. W., & Deal, T. E. (1981). Institutional and technical sources of organizational structure: Explaining the structure of educational organizations. In J. W. Meyer & W. R. Scott (Eds.), Organizational environments: Ritual and rationality (pp. 45-70). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
- Meyer, J. W., Scott, W. R., & Strang, D. (1987). Centralization, fragmentation, and school district complexity. Administrative Science Quarterly, 32, 186-201.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Morgan, G., & Smircich, L. (1980). The case for qualitative research. Academy of Management Review, 5(4), 491-500.[CrossRef][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Mumby, D. K., & Putnam, L. L. (1992). The politics of emotion: A feminist reading of bounded rationality. Academy of Management Review, 17(3), 465-486.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Oliver, C. (1991). Strategic responses to institutional processes. Academy of Management Review, 16(1), 145-179.
- Pfeffer, J. (1993). Barriers to the advance of organizational science: Paradigm development as a dependent variable. Academy of Management Review, 18(4), 599-620.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Ritzer, G. (1975). Sociology: A multiple paradigm science. American Sociologist, 10.
- Schutz, A. (1962). Common-sense and scientific interpretation of human action; and Concept and theory formation in the social sciences. In M. Natanson (Ed.), Collected papers I: The problem of social reality (pp. 1-65). The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
- Scott, W. R. (1987). The adolescence of institutional theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 32, 493-511.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Selznick, P. (1949). TVA and the grass roots. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Social Sciences Citation Index. (1976-1993). Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information.
- Tolbert, P. S., & Zucker, L. G. (1983). Institutional sources of change in the formal structure of organizations: The diffusion of civil service reforms, 1880-1935. Administrative Science Quarterly, 23, 22-39.[CrossRef][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Zucker, L. G. (1977). The role of institutionalization in cultural persistence. American Sociological Review, 42, 726-743.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
- Zucker, L. G. (1983). Organizations as institutions. Research in the Sociology of Organizations2, 1-47.
- Zucker, L. G. (1987). Institutional theories of organizations. Annual Review of Sociology, 13, 443-464.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Find it on University of Leicester E-Link]
The sources provided by the author of this paper provide a 'brick wall' of ideas with which she constructed her ideas. The ideas of new researchers, such as Bowring, rely on the ideas of older and important work by people such as Burrell & Morgan or Berger & Luckmann. In fact, business research is really a tributary of a larger river from which the subject of Sociology flows. It is part of the study of people, society and its institutions such as business institutions.
The works of Derrida, Foucault in the twentieth century - and the works of Marx and Durkheim in the nineteenth century, are all part of this larger river. Skilled researchers, such as Burrell and Morgan, have navigated this river for their entire academic careers. Newer researchers, such as Brewis (last week) and Bowring (above), are following this same river today. You too will follow the river to its smaller streams and larger branches in footsteps of those who came before, and can use bibliographies such as the one above to help you find your way.
This river, as I explained to a group of students earlier this week, is part of the larger history of intellectual thought in Western Society. In a metaphoric sense, the river is both part of us and surrounds us - we cannot be independent of it. Like Huck Finn, we can drift along with the river, look at the night stars and see our position in relation to the world but we cannot leave. We can rebel in small and meaningful ways. Huck Finn in Twain's book did not know this. He went the wrong way on the huge Mississippi - a river that Twain knew was very tricky to navigate from his own time as a riverboat captain. On our intellectual voyage, we will have to use the moon, stars and the river current on our small raft to make sure we do go the right way in our intellectual voyage. For the diligent student, checking your reference sources will make your intellectual destination certain and your path clear.
Excellent job..!!
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Thank you very much
Mohammed Hokroh
new ULSM student