Monday, March 29, 2010

More on Writing to Me: The time I take to provide advice

Hi, this is KB. So, I have a problem. I'm getting emails from some students who, for some reason, are on lists that ask me to click addys and boxes if I want to see the content of a given email. These emails ask me to verify my identify when I respond to their emails. Students should be aware of problems inherent in using services such as yahoo and getting involved in any kind of alleged 'layer of protection' between them and those who email them. I don't want to refuse emails from students, really I don't. However, I don't have the time to track down students who send out emails telling me that if I click on this or that box I can see the contents of a student's email.

If your current email account is a problem, please use the free University of Leicester email. If you have lost it or don't know it, send me a post through some other system (e.g. - Google) in a regular email and request that I assist you to get your U of Leicester email address. Please.

No tutor, being aware of the problem of hidden viruses in confirmation emails, is going to click on an unknown addy or a box to get through to you and assist you. Last year, I acquired a very nasty computer virus on my rather pricey PC laptop. That lappy is now being used as a doorstop. The virus problem could not be fixed by the computer department at a local university and they had it for a month! Now, I'm using my old Mac computer ...and I won't let this happen again. So, please give some thought to not using that 'Yahoo' address with all the notes requesting that I be one of your many 'friends'. Yes, I have a Yahoo account too but I don't send out anything really important this way and mine doesn't have verification notices. Actually, I have several different email addresses for different purposes. This way I keep my email tidy. If I had a problem getting through to a tutor I would get a Google email addy and request their assistance so I could use my University of Leicester ID and password. I will always try and assist you as long as I don't get emails with unknown email addresses in them. Many of these emails contain adware and/or spyware that loads into your computer the minute you click on it.

Okay, this is why this is so important. I take a lot of time to write back to each correspondent. I even have correspondents who are not students, but simply learners. I always have time for genuine learners no matter who they are or where they are. And, a word to the wise, no genuine learner has ever sent me an email that asked me to verify my identity or that contained a pop up advertisement. Not one. I want you all to pass, to get through your degrees and move ahead with your careers. However, if you have a Yahoo address with massive verification requests that come back at me, I won't click on those verification boxes. It's simple. I won't go looking for hidden emails either. And as for students who want me to respond them on a different email address, other than the email addy from where they sent the original question, please use your U of Leicester account instead. If you are at the office and decide to pop me a message on your business email account, you shouldn't expect me to be a mind reader and guess that there is another place you would like to have the return email sent. This is why University of Leicester provided you with an email address.

When I get unusual looking emails such as the ones I discuss above there isn't any way I have access to information that lets me know whether or not you are a student, without sending out copious emails to the already overloaded admin staff. Those of you who have needed help from admin staff, I'm sure you'd all agree that they should use their time ensuring that the U of Leicester postgraduate programmes are running smoothly, not trying to find out why you are emailing me. I won't burden them with these requests any longer. This will keep the system working. Thank you.



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