Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays: A Seasonal Break

It's time for the Seasonal Break, a pause before we think about our accomplishments this year and what we want to achieve next year.

Many students who read this blog have finished their journey to the MBA or MSc. Others are still struggling through the assignments, the exams and of course the dissertation. I see students slow down during this season every year. Students who intended to phone me put it off until January. Others put that assignment they were struggling with in the drawer until the holiday season is over.

This is, for me, a time for a yearly break, a reminder that life is about many more things than simply our jobs. It is a pause before going on to the new, big project. We can, when we pause and reflect, often make better choices about what we are going to do in the New Year. In the busyness of the year, we often forget to take this time to pause and reflect on our lives, and our life directions. Sometimes, dreams over the past year have seemed difficult. Perhaps, they have seemed unreachable but during this holiday season it is surely the time to believe that perhaps dreams might just come true.

For many students, the MBA is their dream. Sometimes, the work that is required to achieve this dream can turn many students back. Many fear that they are unworthy, that they do not have the adequate qualifications or stamina to get this diploma. At this holiday season, it is time to see that no one gets this qualification at this or any other good university without struggle and hard work. Whether you have just returned to school after a long absence or whether you are fresh from your BA, this qualification will not fall into your lap without hard work. At this holiday season, we can give ourselves the gift of believing that we can do it, that dreams can come true.

I have been privileged to work with many struggling students, many students who have gone on to get their degrees. For those you still struggling, please accept my seasonal wish. For those of you who read this blog regularly, accept my congratulations that you are still working toward your goal. And for everybody, have a happy holiday.


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